Our Process

The Trinity Investment Experience
The Trinity Private Wealth Investment Experience aims to educate and empower you to make smart, evidence based investment decisions with your hard earned wealth. You would be surprised how many experienced, sophisticated, educated, wealthy investors are not able to explain or evidence their investment philosophy.
As part of our advice process, should investment planning and strategies be required for our clients, investment portfolios will be selected from a rigorously backed, evidenced and continually stress tested and measured investment philosophy, developed from Nobel Award winning research. We are serious about building and protecting your wealth and apply academic research to practical investing following the Trinity Private Wealth Investment Philosophies:
Trinity Investment Philosophy 1: Embrace Market Pricing
The market is an effective information processing machine. Each day, the world share markets process billions of dollars of trades between buyers and sellers - and the real time information they bring helps set on average, fair, although not perfect prices.
Trinity Investment Philosophy 2: Invest, Don't Speculate - Don't Try to Outguess the Market
The markets' pricing power works against investors, including professional investment managers - who try to outperform through stock picking and or market timing. Over time, only a small fraction of professional investment managers outperform the market after fees, and it is difficult to identify them in advance.
Trinity Investment Philosophy 3: Let the Markets Work for You - Take a Long Term Approach
The financial markets have rewarded long term investors. People expect a positive return on the capital they invest and historically, the share and bond markets have provided growth of wealth that has more than offset inflation.
Trinity Investment Philosophy 4: Consider the Drivers of Returns
Academic research has identified specific share and fixed income dimensions which point to differences in expected returns. These dimensions are pervasive, persistent and robust and can be pursued by investors to build cost effective portfolios.
Trinity Investment Philosophy 5: Practice Smart Diversification
It is not enough to diversify by individual share or to just focus on your home markets. Deeper diversification involves geographic and asset class diversity. Holding a global portfolio helps to lower concentration in individual shares and increase diversification which helps manage overall risk.
Trinity Investment Philosophy 6: Avoid Market Timing
You will never know in advance which market segments will outperform from year to year. By holding a globally diversified portfolio, investors are well positioned to capture returns wherever they occur.
Trinity Investment Philosophy 7: Manage Your Emotions
Many people struggle to separate their emotions from investing. Markets go up and down. Reacting to current market conditions may lead to making poor decisions at the worst times.
Trinity Investment Philosophy 8: Look Beyond the Headlines
Daily market news and commentary can challenge your investment discipline. Some messages stir anxiety about the future while others tempt you to chase the latest investment fad. When tested, consider the source and maintain a long term perspective.
Trinity Investment Philosophy 9: Keep Costs Low
Over long time periods, high costs can significantly drag down wealth accumulation in a portfolio. Costs can include management fees, fund expenses and taxes.
Trinity Investment Philosophy 10: Focus on What You Can Control
Creating a plan tailored to your personal financial needs whilst focusing on actions that add value (e.g. building a tailored plan to fit your needs/ risk tolerance, structuring a portfolio around dimensions of returns, diversifying broadly, reducing expenses and turnover and minimising taxes) can lead to a better investment experience.
Trinity Investment Philosophy 11: Resist Chasing Past Performance
Some investors select investment funds based on their past returns. Yet, past performance offers little insight into a fund's future returns. There is consistent evidence that many funds that rank in the top quartile (25%) of previous 3 year returns do no maintain that ranking in the following 3 years.
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